1. hey
Hello. I have a blog now. This is a blog. See label below.
If it has a label this fancy it must be true.
So what should the blog of an ambitious young French hornist-slash-comedian-slash-gadabout be about? A smug listing of all my fantastic accomplishments as a freelance musician? Updates about my new indie improv team and how we’re really starting to click and how our coach thinks we’re the funniest when we’re talking about dicks and the clitoris? Cupcake recipes?
It’ll probably be a combination of all three of those things (most likely with fewer cupcake recipes and more talk about genitalia).
And more practical things, such as:
Upcoming show dates
Any recordings or video that I do that don’t suck
Tips on how to build the best shelter to ward off our robot overlords when the Great Robot Rebellion finally happens (one word: magnets)
Cupcake recipes? wait i already said that
Shout-outs to bands or comedians I think are great
My Louis C.K. erotic fanfiction (Spoiler: He takes off his shirt. Do not read before or after eating.)
I got some fun little buttons on the right hand side of the page that will take you to my music, and to my ramblings elsewhere on the Internet. Also if you like what you're reading/hearing from me and want to support indie artists, give one of them PayPal buttons a little clickety-clack.
I’m happy to be writing longer entries again. If you’d like me to write on a particular topic, feel free to drop me a line on the contact page.
k, cool.